Smallest Life Form Discovered

Mark 8:7-8
“And they had a few small fishes: and he blessed, and commanded to set them also before them. So they did eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets.”

A bacterium has recently been photographed that is so tiny, researchers have debated about whether it could even exist. The bacterium has a volume of only .009 cubic microns. To put that into perspective, a micron is one millionth of a meter. This means that more than 150,000 of them could fit on the tip of a single human hair.

Smallest Life Form DiscoveredDespite their small size, these bacterium have everything they need to survive and reproduce. And what they don’t have, they borrow. For instance, these bacteria have tiny string-like structures called pili. Scientists suspect the bacteria use these pili to link up with other microbes so they can borrow key nutrients from them.

Now, don’t let evolutionists tell you it would be easy for evolution to produce a life form as tiny as this bacterium. If anything, its small size speaks loudly of an incredibly intelligent Creator. Consider, for example, the phone in your purse or pocket. Today’s typical smart phone is so technologically advanced, it has far more computing power than computers from the past that filled up entire rooms. And they can do far more than make phone calls. Hey, we call them smart phones for a reason!

Little things can accomplish astonishing things in the hands of a great God. Jesus took a few small fish and used them to feed thousands. God took a little boy and used him to vanquish a giant. So don’t ever think you are too small or insignificant to do great things with God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, from the tiniest life form to the greatest galaxy, You have created them all! Amen.



Author: Steven J. Schwartz
Ref: E. Brodwin, “Scientists have finally found and photographed the tiniest life on Earth,” Business Insider/Yahoo News, 3/3/15. Photo: Courtesy of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (FAIR USE)

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