Smart Leaves

Job 36:5
“Behold, God is mighty, and despiseth not any: he is mighty in strength and wisdom.”

As science learns more about the universe, some are suggesting that they see basic mathematical principles that underlie everything. This principle, which one scientist has called “cellular automata”, might be at the root of everything from astronomy to zoology.

Leaf structureThe leaves of plants have pores that let in carbon dioxide. However, if the pores open too far or remain open too long, the plant may lose too much water. How does a plant, that has no brain or nervous system, keep these factors in balance? Researchers had always thought that the pores work independently. However, close study has shown that patches of pores in a leaf open and close together. In fact, over several minutes, open and closed patches of pores move across a leaf in patterns. As scientists studied these patterns, they realized that the pattern they were looking at was what they call “distributed, emergent computation” or “cellular automata.” The individual cells of the leaves are working with each other to perform complex large-scale computations. In short, the cells of plant leaves are working together as a computer, even though they lack a central processor.

While evolutionists would hope to explain this built-in intelligence by chance, it is difficult to get around the fact that intelligence is built into the creation. Such intelligence can only be ascribed to an intelligent source, our Creator. p.a.b.

Dear Father, I thank You for Your wisdom, and I pray that I may grow in wisdom, guided by Your Word. Amen.

Science News, 2/21 2004, pp. 123-124, Erica Klarreich, “Computation’s New Leaf.” Photo: Leaf structure. Courtesy of Zephyris. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)