The African Priestly Tribe of Israel

John 10:16
“And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”

There are several groups of people around the world that claim to be part of the Jewish people. Many even practice a form of the Judaic rites. But they don’t have any provable connections to the Jewish people.

The Lemba spiritual leader Dr. Rudo MathivaIn southern Africa there is a tribe called the Lemba. They speak Bantu. However, their tradition says that they were led to Africa from Judea by a leader named Buba in the distant past. The Lemba also practice Jewish traditions, including keeping one day a week holy. They do not eat pork. This could be dismissed as coincidental, but they can prove their heritage. In an earlier Creation Moments program we talked about the so-called “cohen genetic signature.” Cohen means priest. This genetic mutation is carried in the Y chromosome. It is rare in the general population. Even among the general Jewish population, only three to five percent carry the mutation. However, the mutation is so common among the descendants of Aaron that it is considered a strong indicator of descendancy from the Levites. It is also common among the Lemba men, proving they are not only genetically Jewish, but also they descended from ancient Israel’s priests!

While we may never know exactly how the Lemba tribe came to be, we know that all people are God’s creation. We also know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the nations. No one has wandered so far from God that they cannot be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Dear Father, with a rejoicing heart I praise You for Your love to me. Amen.

Science Frontiers, 1-2/00, p. 1, “A Far Wandering Tribe?” Photo: The Lemba spiritual leader Dr. Rudo Mathiva.