The Incredibly Sensitive Eye

Job 19:25-27
“For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.”

The human eye is so incredibly sensitive that it can actually detect a single particle of light – a photon.

Photons emitted from a laserThe truth is, the human eye is so sensitive that were it not for special features inside the eye that process the billions of pieces of information coming into the eye every split second, we would be overwhelmed. While the eye can detect even one photon of light, it will not pass an image on to your brain until at least six photons strike in the same area of the eye. If this weren’t the case, on a dark night we would see nothing but static, since less than six photons could not be focused into an image and would appear to us as just static.

This special provision makes one wonder if the eye was not designed by an all wise Creator. After all, how could mindless chance and mutations know about the basic laws of physics that control light’s behavior? The range of the eye’s sensitivity is also a million times greater than our modern photographic films, providing us with a dynamic range of 10 billion to one. While the greatest sensitivity is needed on dark nights, an internal control in the eye reduces that sensitivity for bright daylight.

Science doesn’t rule out God at all! Our knowledge of the eye’s working demands the conclusion that we are the creation of a wise and powerful God!

Dear Father, while I am thankful for and amazed at all of the senses and abilities which You have given me, I am even more filled with wonder that this body shall be raised in resurrection, free from all imperfection, to live forever with You. I thank You for Your grace in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Photo: Photons emitted from a laser.