The Key to Real Leadership

Proverbs 12:24
“The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.”

Wasp colonies in temperate zones usually wait until the end of summer to raise male young. That’s because male wasps are typically useless consumers of food. They don’t do anything waspworthwhile in the nest, nor do they help gather resources. Female paper wasps often practice what experts call “male stuffing.” When food is brought into the nest, a job carried out by females, other females will stuff their brothers head first into unused nest cells. Needless to say, in the typical nest males have short lives.

The first exception to this pattern was recently discovered in Costa Rica. Researchers from the University of Washington in Seattle have discovered a species of wasp in which the males are not only in charge, but also help out in the nest. The female wasps still gather the food, but the males demand and get all they want, even from the queen. But the males were also observed fanning an overheated nest to cool it. They helped remove water during a flood, and they helped take care of the larvae. The males of this species remain with their parent colony for an unusually long time for wasps. Yet, at any time, they can father a new colony. Other tropical species are now being studied to see if this behavior is unique.

The Bible teaches that proper authority is respected when it comes from a spirit of servanthood. This pattern seems to extend even to wasps. Modern human culture needs to be reminded of the principle that when males pitch in and help, their leadership will be appreciated and followed.

I submit myself to You, Lord, because You served me with Your life, death and Resurrection. Thank You. Amen.

S. Milius, Male Insects Rule in a Tropical Society, Science News, v. 155, p.116. Photo: Pixabay (PD)