The Lotus Effect

1 John 1:9
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Perhaps you have a self-cleaning oven in your kitchen, and if you have small children in your house, you’ve probably wished for self-cleaning walls. Self-cleaning clothes would be nice, too!

Indian lotus at Lotus Pond in India, showing the lotus effect after rainLotuses often grow in muddy water where mud can accumulate on leaves. Yet, for efficiency in collecting sunlight, their leaves need to be clean. And, yes, they stay clean despite the environment in which they grow. Close examination under a powerful electron microscope reveals why. The top of the leaves are covered with tiny spikes that feel waxy. They are so tiny that they can even hold up a particle of dust that settles on a leaf. As a result, any water that lands on the leaves rolls right off. As it rolls off, it collects any dirt that may be on a leaf. These leaves are self-cleaning!

Researchers realized that this microscopic spike structure could be used to make self- cleaning products. For example, self-cleaning paint for homes is already in use under the product name Lotusan. Self-cleaning food containers are being developed as well. And one day we may even have self-cleaning clothes, including swimming suits that never get wet.

However, when it comes to our standing before God, we are not self-cleaning. We must rely on the cleansing from our sin won for us by our Lord Jesus on the cross.

Father, thank You for the forgiveness of sins I have through my Lord Jesus Christ and the life He gives me. Amen.

Science Illustrated, 7/8/08, pp. 62-69, “Inspired by Nature,” (“Mr. Clean,” pp. 68-69). Photo: Indian lotus at Lotus Pond in India, showing the lotus effect after rain. Courtesy of J.M.Garg. (CC BY 3.0)