The Most Improbable Honeybee

Psalm 113:5-6
“Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high, Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!”

One reason many scientists reject evolution is that it’s impossible to explain even the simplest of the incredible designs we find in creation as the work of a mindless, impersonal force. Imagine the challenge of explaining the many specialized features of the honeybee as the work of no one!

honeybeesThe honeybee has compound eyes that enable it to navigate by the sun even on cloudy days because it has a built in polarized light filter. The honeybee’s antennae contain both their sense of smell and sense of touch. For this reason they must be carefully cleaned. So the honeybees have special grooves in their front legs that are perfectly designed to clean them.

The honeybees also have hairs on their body to collect pollen and baskets on their rear legs to carry it. And they have special glands for producing, shaping and cleaning off wax. When one returns home with news of a good pollen source, the honeybee has a language that it can use to tell the others about it!

Not only is the honeybee a huge collection of special features united together, but they also live in a hive that unites thousands of individuals so that they all work together like a single organism! It simply goes against everything we know from science to suppose that millions of years of unplanned accidents could design and build the honeybee!

I thank You, Lord, that some who are called by Your Name work in the sciences. I ask You to protect them and make them bold in their witness to the truth. I know that for You, Who so wondrously made the honeybee, this is an easy task if Your people are willing to serve You above all things. Amen.

Photo: Hive of honeybees. Courtesy of Bksimonb. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.