The Power of Faith

2 Timothy 3:13
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

The history of science, supposedly supporting evolution, shows the power of expecting to find something, whether it exists or not.

Bathybius haeckelii was a substance that British biologist Thomas Henry Huxley discovered in 1857Following the publication of Darwin’s book in 1859, there was much speculation over the so-called primordial slime believed to be the origin of life. Ernst Haeckel predicted a whole family of creatures that would lead from the slime to the first one-celled organisms. It was thought that such creatures might exist at the bottom of the sea, and H.M.S. Challenger began taking samples of the sea bottom. Protoplasmic blobs were found in all the sample bottles. Scientists, eager to confirm Haeckel’s prophetic words, proclaimed these as “life in the making,” naming them Bathybius haeckeli. However, a few years later a chemist pointed out that the preserving agent used in the sample bottles was alcohol, and when sea water is added to alcohol, an amorphous precipitate of sulfate of lime is formed. It had nothing to do with life, but the embarrassment was never reported by the English press.

In truth, if you are convinced that there is no God, it will be very difficult for you to see any evidence of Him. And if you believe that witches can fly on brooms, you will find evidence for it. People did it for generations. Evolutionists continue today to find evidence for what they expect to be true. p.a.b.

Father, let the teaching of Your Word keep me from being deceived by the devil, the world and my own flesh. Amen.

Creation, 12/00-2: 2001, pp. 36-41, “Life from life…or not?” Photo: Bathybius haeckelii was a substance that British biologist Thomas Henry Huxley discovered in 1857. (PD)