The Puzzle of Mathematics
Genesis 1:31a
“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, it was very good.”
When a clothing manufacturer selects a high quality fabric he is usually concerned enough to make sure that good workmanship goes into the final product. In a similar way, the fabric of the creation tells us a lot about its Creator. Mathematics more than anything else reflects the fabric of the creation.
Many scientists today are puzzled by the fact that the material world they study can be accurately described in mathematical equations. The falling of a stone or a feather, even the colors of a rainbow, all correspond to mathematical formulae. Even chaos has a mathematical description. One Nobel physicist was moved to write a paper titled, “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences.”
Because mathematics so precisely describes reality, we can send a space probe billions of miles, on perfect target. Mathematics allows us to receive the pictures it returns to Earth using a transmitter no more powerful than a five-watt light bulb. As one science writer put it, scientists use mathematics as a wonderful gift, but they have no idea why it works so well.
Of course, creation-scientists don’t wonder why math works. They know that the creation is the work of an orderly and wise Creator Who was pleased with His final product. The precision of mathematics reflects the excellent quality of His fine workmanship.
Dear Father, I praise You because You have truly done all things well. Help me to be a better witness of Your excellent workmanship to those around me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Photo: Double Alaskan rainbow. Courtesy of Eric Rolph. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.