The Secret of Bee Bread

Numbers 13:27
“And they told him, and said, We came unto the land whither thou sentest us, and surely it floweth with milk and honey; and this [is] the fruit of it.”

Bee bread is a highly nutritional derivative, made from pollen by bees. Scientists have understood for some time that worker bees who have just emerged from the comb must eat bee bread so that their glands produce food for the queen and developing larvae. However, older worker bees get by on honey alone. So scientists suspected that bee bread must have a higher nutritional value than honey.

Western honey bee collecting pollenNow, after painstaking work, researchers have learned how bee bread is made. Even as bees collect the pollen, they begin to work on the recipe. They add secretions from special glands, as well as microorganisms that produce enzymes which release a number of important nutrients from the pollen. Other microbes are added to produce antibiotics and fatty acids to prevent spoilage. At the same time, unwanted microbes are removed, and the bees add honey or nectar to the bread to get it to stick together.

The bees’ recipe for bee bread involves a highly sophisticated knowledge of microbiology, nutritional chemistry and biochemistry in general. Modern science, therefore, absolutely requires us to reject the idea that bees and their culture evolved by blind chance and ignorant natural forces.

Only a perfect Creator could have made these wonderful creatures and taught them how to make bee bread!

Dear Father, I thank You for the gift of honey and for creating clear indications of Your work as Creator that cannot be denied. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Photo: Western honey bee collecting pollen.