This Carbon-14 Discovery Is a Gem

Job 28:16
“It [wisdom] cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire.”

Because half of the radioactive carbon-14 in anything decays to nonradioactive material in 5,730 years, things that are supposedly millions of years old cannot possibly have any. At least that’s what evolutionary scientists always thought.

On the other hand, scientists who believe in a young creation realized that nothing that has carbon in it should be too old to date. So they decided to see what results they would get dating coal and oil, which are supposed to be tens to hundreds of millions of years old.

Ten coal samples that were supposedly 34 to 311 million years old were tested. All 10 samples contained traces of carbon-14. Then they tested diamonds, which are supposed to be at least a billion years old. Again, they found carbon-14 in every sample tested. Keep in mind that they found carbon-14 in every coal, oil and diamond sample they tested. Evolutionary theory says that not one of these samples could possibly have carbon-14! Clearly, evolutionary claims about the ancient ages of these substances have scientifically and conclusively been proven wrong.

Scripture says that wisdom is more precious than even the most precious gems. Scripture also tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. True fear of the Lord is engendered by His love to us in Christ Jesus.

Father, I thank You for bringing Your wisdom, the knowledge of Your mercy and forgiveness, into my life. Amen.

Answers, 7-9/06, pp. 22-24, Don DeYoung, “Raising the Bar on Creation Research.” Photo: Rough diamond.