Trees May Pollute More than Cars

Romans 8:22
“For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.”

We have long been led to believe that the automobile and the power stations are the primary source of hydrocarbons and nitrous oxide pollutants in our atmosphere. On the other hand, the trees clean up the air. Now – surprise, surprise – the oak trees in California’s Sierra Nevada have been found to release hydrocarbons into the air!

trees polluteScientists have also discovered that Scotch pine trees in southern Finland emit nitrogen oxides. These oxides react with atmospheric hydrocarbons to make nitric acid, a component of acid rain. Nitrogen oxides can also help make ozone, the primary part of smog. This discovery was made accidentally as researchers investigated whether the trees used nitrogen from the air. As part of their research, they sealed living tree branches in plastic bags and measured the changes in the air inside the bags. They expected to see a decrease in the amount of nitrogen. To their amazement, they saw the amount of nitrogen double! Some scientists estimate that the amount of nitrogen oxides produced by such northern forests may be as much, if not more than, the amounts produced by all of man’s industry.

Sin is a greater pollution in our world, and because of sin, this world is wearing out. Thankfully, one day Christ will return and give believers a new creation, for He has been victorious over sin for us.

Thank You, Father, for rescuing me from sin. Help me to be ready for Christ’s return. Amen.

Science News, 3/15/03, p. 166, K. Morgan, “Fallen Trees?”