When the Ice Came

Job 38:29-30
Out of whose womb came the ice? and the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it? The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen.

Was there a time, when large parts of the Earth’s surface were so cold, that they were covered with ice sheets? Many U-shaped valleys throughout northern Europe and North America show markings somewhat similar to the impressions left today by moving glaciers – “rivers” of ice.

When the Ice CameThe worldwide Flood was not a gentle event. We assume that it was accompanied by volcanic eruptions, which would have left aerosol particles in the atmosphere. Deflecting the sun’s rays, these aerosols would have made the atmospheric temperature less than it is today, whereas the ocean temperatures immediately after the Flood would have been slightly warmer than today. Greater evaporation would occur into colder air, resulting in much more precipitation than we have today – much of it as snow.

Secular scientists suggest that this Ice Age would have lasted about 100,000 years, but meteorologist Michael Oard has shown that such a great length of time was not necessary for glacial effects, and could be explained by just 200 years of post-Flood history.

Perhaps the ice mentioned in the book of Job could be a reference to such an Ice Age, when we read in Job 38:30 “the waters become hard like stone, and the face of the deep is frozen”. A biblical model makes sense of the observed scientific facts.

This is Your world, Lord, and I thank You that You are always in charge. Amen.
