Why Are There Still Monkeys?
Genesis 1:27
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
There are some arguments common in certain creationist circles which creationists should not use. Some people seem to worry when I make such statements, as if I am conceding that some part of evolution is true. I am not. I am also aware that many popular-level evolutionist spokespeople use specious arguments of their own. That, however, does not excuse creationists. We have the truth on our side and can have confidence in that. Remember that if you present a truth to someone else, there is no guarantee that they will accept it. They may have too much invested in their personal worldview to be able to back down.
Sometimes, after a meeting, someone will approach me and say something like, “Evolutionists can’t answer this question: If evolution is true, why are there still monkeys?”
This is not a good argument for creation. The statement starts by hypothesizing “if evolution were true…” That conditional statement should introduce an accurate corollary of evolutionary theory. But evolution does not suggest that humans evolved from monkeys. Apes are not monkeys. In fact, evolution does not suggest that humans evolved from apes either. It suggests that apes and humans – and monkeys – have a common ancestor. But even if it did suggest we evolved from apes, even that does not imply that ALL apes should have become humans.
It is not difficult to refute human evolution. We should concentrate on the impossibility of the necessary information in humans arising by chance. The existence of that information makes perfect sense, given that we are directly and divinely created. Author: Paul F. Taylor
What is man that You are mindful of him, Lord God? We do not know why You chose to make us as we are other than that we know this brings glory to Yourself. Amen.
Ref: Morris, J.D. (2006), If Apes Evolved into Humans, Why Do We Still Have Apes? < https://www.icr.org/article/3109/ >, accessed 4/25/2018. Image: Public Domain.