The Devolution of Our Legal System

Did you know that the theory of evolution has heavily influenced how the law and the Constitution came to be taught and interpreted?

When people began to adopt the theory of evolution in the nineteenth century, jurists and other legal intellectuals began to view law as  a mere byproduct of human will and social struggle – “survival of the fittest”. Previous to Charles Darwin, the dominant view in Western legal tradition was that human laws are subject to higher law, to natural law, to God’s law – a fixed standard.

And this, through the Bible and through such sources as Blackstone’s Legal Commentary, was the worldview which framed the American Constitution. There is no basis in the Constitution for so-called “legislating from the Bench”. There is no basis, for example, for finding a right to gay marriage or a right to abortion or a two-tiered justice system. There is no basis to usurp the power of states and of legislatures. That is human will and “survival of the fittest” at work in our courts.

Under the influence of Evolutionism and its off-shoot Social Darwinism, a powerful transformation of legal studies took place in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Western Civilization – just as occurred in science. And it occurred for the same reason. Man’s depravity, his will to sin and rebel against his Maker, drives a hatred for submission to God’s rule and law – therefore, people have piled-on to a perceived justification to omit God.

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Pixabay 1118

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