The stability of matter is a continuing puzzle to physicists. They point out that when you consider all the physical forces at work in matter, even in something as simple as a glass of water, it’s sort of miraculous that everything doesn’t just collapse and then, releasing huge amounts of energy, blow up. Consider that water, H2O, is simply eight electrons orbiting in “space” around eight tightly packed protons and neutrons (oxygen), with, at a further distance, two electrons each orbiting around independent protons (2 hydrogen atoms). This 99% + configuration of space with a few tiny particles, incredibly has bulk and substance. And also incredibly, it has stability under the repelling force of positive proton charges packed together in the nucleus, and the stresses of gravity, atmospheric pressure, and magnetic field.
If matter was not somehow so stable, we’d be at risk of setting off nuclear explosions every time we stirred a cup of coffee or a glass of tea!
Why are the molecules and atoms of life, and all matter as we know them, so incredibly stable? Why are all the physical constants of “nature” so well balanced? Christians have the answer. The Bible says, speaking of Christ, “For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things have been created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” (Col 1:16,17).
Ultimately Christ controls the stability and spatial density of things. He used this control to demonstrate His divinity to us. Possibly by using the space inherent in matter to cram more water molecules together, He was able to densify water under his feet so that it could support His weight (John 6:16-21). And even though proving to the disciple Thomas that He was flesh (matter), the risen Christ walked through walls (John 20:19-29). No big deal for Him who created matter in the first place, since matter is mostly all space anyway.
The Bible also says that there will come a day (“the day of the Lord”) when things will no longer hold together as they are. In fact, it says that the root structure of matter will collapse with release of incredible energy. “The elements (basic building blocks) will melt (melt down, dissolve, collapse) with intense heat!” (2 Peter 3:10,12). Here we have an incredibly accurate picture of the power within the atom, of the energy released in atomic fission, written long before there were any nuclear scientists. He who being one with the Father and the Spirit was before all things. He who came to earth in love for us. He it is who stabilizes things in the present, and will de-stabilize them one day in the future, to re-stabilize them in “new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:21).
– Mark Cadwallader, Board Chairman of Creation Moments
Image: Atom, Envato.
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