The Light and the Glory

Have you ever looked at nature and thought to yourself, This is so glorious, it’s not only beautiful, it’s almost unreal? I have – many times.

The refraction and reflection of light through clouds, mist and atmosphere, and further interaction with water and earth can set up some stunningly beautiful and amazing scenes. This is because light itself is a key to beauty. And light, of course, has all the colors of the rainbow. Brilliant white light can be diffused into some rather brilliant colors in some unexpected and surprising ways.

We read in the Bible about the tremendous luminosity and brilliance of light that is in the presence of God – from the Shekinah glory cloud that followed the children of Israel in the wilderness, to the shining face of Moses returning from Mt. Sinai, to the visions of Ezekiel and Daniel and John, of God on His throne, and the experiences of the transfigured as well as glorified Jesus. It seems that light is present where God is present. In fact the Bible says “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). The passage goes on to encourage us to “walk in the light as he is in the light.”

God is perfectly beautiful because He is perfectly good. He is total truth and wholly holy. These facts about God are captured in the phenomenon of light. And the light we see in the creation, giving color and beauty to what we experience, is a reflection of the light inherent in our Maker.

What we will experience in heaven will be a beauty that will completely transcend anything we can experience here – because it will be the full illumination and luminosity of God! It will no longer be a mere reflection.

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Pixabay 517

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