Throwing God Out of the Classroom

In the years 1962 and 1963, public school prayer and Bible reading were “outlawed” in the United States. These were controversial rulings, never being found against the law before, because of the “free exercise of religion” under the First Amendment of the Constitution.

What has happened since is that God has been left out of the classroom in favor of non-theistic (God-less) religion such as humanism. Indeed, children are being taught lies in most schools. They are being told things in direct opposition to the Bible. And not just in the science classroom. Evolution, for example, and many God-less philosophies that stem from it, are being taught in virtually every classroom – from English to social studies to history and other subjects.

The indoctrination of our precious children begins in the earliest grades and follows them through high school and then to college. And don’t think without first inquiring that your children are safe when you send them to Christian schools and colleges. Very few of these institutions have stayed true to the Word of God. Many of them teach evolution as fact!

God wants us to teach our children about Him. The training of children is primarily the responsibility of the parents. As the Bible tells us in Exodus 10:2: “And that thou mayest tell in the ears of thy son, and of thy son’s son, what things I have wrought in Egypt, and my signs which I have done among them; that ye may know how that I am the LORD.” Though this passage pertains to the teaching of history, it certainly sets an example that teaching about God’s supernatural involvement in His creation is the responsibility of the parents.

Creation Moments considers the raising of children to be “job one” of parents! Indeed, our children’s eternal destiny is imperiled by the evolutionary teaching bombarding them from every direction – especially from an educational establishment that has thrown God out of the classroom!

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Unsplash 917

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