What COVID-19 Taught Us About Science

For many people, “science” seems to have replaced Zeus
as the head of the pantheon of gods … especially after COVID-19 first reared its ugly head. How many times have you heard the phrase “follow the science”? What I find most interesting is how fast “science” keeps changing!

In fact, “follow the science” became a catch phrase used by governments around the world to get people to actually turn their backs on science and to close their minds to common-sense thinking. We were to listen to government officials without question. I’m sure you’ll remember the following examples of what we were told (followed by what the authorities were beginning to discover because of their misguided policies):

  • Lockdowns work! (OK, well not really.)
  • Schools should be closed! (Well, actually maybe not.)
  • Mental health is not as important as doing everything we can to avoid the virus! (But OK, we see that suicides and drug use have skyrocketed.)
  • Just wait for the vaccines! (But even with the vaccines, better keep wearing masks and social distancing.)
  • Hydroxychloroquine should not be made available! (OK, we see now that it has helped a lot of people and countries that have used it and other preventatives.)
  • We MUST use this inflated count of cases and deaths! (Well, OK, we really did over-inflate the accounting with the testing and ‘co-morbidity’ reporting changes. No wonder it was a light flu season!)

The flow of information and debate about COVID-19 was getting censored – until a politicized media was ready to discuss it. That’s because only certain people and authorities were allowed to determine the “science”.

Here’s a good rule of thumb I have seen repeated many times – including in the area of Creation Science: Check what is being censored by the world, and you are likely on track to determine what is actually true! The Bible tells us to exercise discernment and cautions us with, for example, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12). Or, “The friendship of the world is enmity with God” (James 4:4).

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Pixabay. 321

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