“What? You’re a Creationist? You’re Fired!”

For years, creation scientists have been prevented from publishing their work, denied government grants, ridiculed, kicked out of scientific societies, and fired from their jobs. And the Church has been largely silent. One example is scientist Mark Armitage, who was fired from California State University for publishing his conclusions about soft-tissue remains he found in a triceratops dinosaur horn.

Proteins, DNA, and other “soft-tissue” organic chemicals surviving for over 65 million years?! How can that be?! Food goes bad; meat becomes rotten. The proteins and carbohydrates in plant and animal products degrade in the presence of moisture, heat, and radiation. Even the best-preserved freeze-dried, vacuum-packed and canned foods last only 25-30 years. Because their own explanations are unsatisfactory, evolutionists are having to suppress this evidence and censor research reports. They repeatedly assert their point of view and use the peer-review process by slow-walking responses, hoping people will forget about it. They also persecute, ridicule and intimidate! And they punish those who somehow slip through the system, such as Mark Armitage.

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Director

Photo: Mark Armitage (used with permission) 923

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