What’s Behind the Islamo-Leftist Alliance?

Islam has now become a visible ally with socialists and progressives in the effort to undermine Judeo-Christian culture. An Islamo-Leftist Alliance (to use the phrase coined in the last 20 years) has been noted in both Europe and America, as Muslim immigrants migrate to the free world of traditional Western Civilization.

Why would there be an alliance between two so dissimilar worldviews? After all, the libertine secular philosophies of the left are diametrically opposed to religiously driven Sharia law in submission to Allah. The primary answer is that the Islamo-Leftist Alliance is united against a common enemy – the Judeo-Christian, i.e. biblical, Alliance.

We have seen this emerge recently as Muslims began to participate in free-world governments. The political left has provided cover and support for anti-semitic commentary from Muslim governing officials. And they share the values of withdrawing support for Israel in favor of Palestine, and of fomenting grievances by minorities and perceived “victim classes” against the “ruling class” in western democracies.

They also share their desire to avoid assimilating to the Judeo-Christian society of Western Civilization. They want to change it! As Karl Marx said, “Philosophers have only interpreted the world. The point, however, is change it.” And Islam, which means “submission”, is all about getting “unbelievers” to submit to Allah through Sharia law. So this also requires changing the ruling culture of the western democracies.

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Students show support for Palestinians in Denver. (Hyoung Chang/The Denver Post Fair Use) 519

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