Why Evolution Is Pseudo-Science

The truth of God and His Word is obscured by many things and ultimately by the lies of Satan. Here at Creation Moments we focus on the lie of evolution which denies the truth of His word. And in this grand lie we see all kinds of false narratives, just-so-stories, and logical fallacies with a major incorrect assumption of atheism.

We see in evolution the intimidation of humanistic arrogance coupled with the logical fallacy of circular reasoning (e.g., “all true scientists believe in evolution” and  “unless you believe in evolution, you are not a true scientist”). We see here also the logical fallacy of get on the bandwagon, “all true scientists and scientific associations accept evolution as true”; in other words, “everybody who’s anybody is on board, so you should get on too!” These sentiments are the spirit of the world in the hands of the devil.

Pseudo-science can be thought of as commitment to an agenda instead of commitment to the truth. Pseudo-science is essentially trying to “see through” truth that cannot be seen through – like First Principles that cannot be debunked, or like trying, through surgery and hormones, to become a female when you are actually a male.

In fact, the Bible warns us, saying “…avoid profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of ‘science falsely so-called’” (1 Timothy 6:20b). The literal Greek is ‘pseudo (falsely named) knowledge’. This is so-called knowledge that is actual absurdity. And it can be applied to the grand hypothesis of evolution.

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Illustration: Pixabay (PD) 1117

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