Will Israel Be Defeated in War?

A friend of mine whose mother went to Columbia University in the 1930s told me recently that her professors taught that the Bible couldn’t be true because it says that Israel would become a nation again. There’s no way that could happen, the professors said! In the view of these Jewish professors, the political situation and the status of the nation-less Jewish people at the time made a modern nation of Israel after almost 2,000 years of being scattered throughout the world utterly impossible!

Yet, in 1948, a new nation of Israel did become a reality! And here it is, surviving and thriving miraculously over 75 years later, surrounded by much larger enemy nations which have tried several times to eradicate it. As the Bible says in Amos 9:15, “And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God.”

God’s Word is true in all things it covers. Indeed, a plain sense reading of the Bible sees the return of the nation of Israel in sections of Genesis, Psalms, Deuteronomy, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Amos. Before 1948, those familiar with the plain sense of the Old Testament would have to explain away those Scriptures somehow or say that the Bible cannot be true. But the best thing would have been for them to continue believing what was quite unbelievable at the time.

And as God revealed through His prophet Amos, and elsewhere, including through the end of the book of Revelation, not only does the Jewish nation return to the land God promised to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3 and 15:18), but all nations of the earth are, and will be, blessed by the Jewish Messiah reigning as King of Kings – eventually from Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel, and its heavenly remake, the New Jerusalem.

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Israeli Air Force F-161 and F-351 jets in 2016. (CC BY 4.0) 719

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