According to the evolutionary timetable, mankind has been on Earth for about 100,000 years. Archeologists and Paleo-archeologists claim that 100,000 years ago the earliest true men began to bury their dead, often with flowers and other trinkets, suggestin...

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In 1805, when Lewis and Clark crossed the Continental Divide, they saw North American Indians preparing the large roots of a plant for cooking. Lewis writes that he asked to taste a sample of the root. It was probably with some sense of amusement that the...

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We hear it often: Christian values are to blame for most of the problems in society. Marriage is ridiculed as “just a piece of paper”. Strongly held convictions of right and wrong are said to be to blame for arguments, fights and wars. And by ...

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Is language learned or is it a built in part of our very nature? If we were made by a Creator who values communication, we would expect to have some built in language skills and desires. In fact, common features among all languages would also support the ...

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One of the most amazing things in our modern age is the scientist who thinks he can use science to judge the Bible. After all, many things accepted today as scientific fact were first taught in the Bible.   Job 36:27-28 explains the water cycle in wh...

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While evolutionary historians refer to the ages of humanity before the birth of Christ with terms like the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages, it seems that human metal working technology was much more sophisticated than these names suggest. And that fits with w...

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Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species opened the modern era of evolutionary thinking. The very name of his book suggests that as we look back in time, we should see fewer kinds of animals. Darwin led many people to think that there should be a g...

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These days, we don’t have to wait very long before we hear some nonsense about how flight or – more recently – space travel are but stages in human evolutionary development. As Christians, we know that when Adam, the first man, is described as p...

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Evolutionists say that human beings evolved from an ape like creature. And how do they claim to know this? Because they find various kinds of apes in the fossil record. As one would expect, some of these apes are a little – and I stress, a little – mo...

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How long have people been living on Earth? The evolutionist says millions of years. Bible believing Christians generally say only about 6,000 years. But the answer to this question is amazingly simple.   If we start with only two people, and they hav...

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  • U.S. Army Celebrates Its 75,000 Birthday!
    We at Creation Moments are often asked, where do evolutionists get all those millions of years? It seems they are always finding rocks and fossils that are tens or hundreds of thousands or even millions of years old. Some years ago, scientists discovered human bones in California buried under thick layers of mud. Scientific authorities […]

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