• Devious Fungus
    Parasites, especially fungi, are usually written off by evolutionary biologists as simple, primitive organisms. However, whether they choose to recognize



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  In the river-laced jungles of Central America, an agile reptile demonstrates why it has earned the nickname, “The Jesus Christ Lizard”. It runs on water. Upright on two legs, the lizard can skip briskly across the surface of a river. God in His creative genius enabled this little creation to defy conventional physics. Apparently, most of...

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The Very Stones Cry Out

Fossils are a witness not only to the creative power of God, but they are also a witness to God’s judgment on sin. The fossil record has preserved the forms of plants and animals from an earlier period of earth’s history, and has shown us that there were many more different kinds of plants and animals than there are now, and that they were often larger and stronger than they are today...

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  • I really appreciate your ministry! I enjoy the monthly letters. They are very well thought out and I learn from them. Keep doing what you are doing to spread the gospel and encourage others to glorify the Lord


  • I listen to your program in Argentina and love it! Thank you very much and have a blessed 2024. May the word fall into fertile hearts and may the Spirit of the Lord communicate life to you


  • Thank you for your exceptional programs! They strengthen faith and are utilized in my scientific apologetic arsenal


  • I love to read the Creation Moments emails. It solidifies everything that I know to be true and gives me facts for evolutionists to consider. This is very important in a world that does not want to consider that there really is a God. Thank you for the important work that you do


  • Love to see how you show the truth…confirmed by history Bible and facts


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