Author: Paul A. Bartz

    Note: Creation Moments exists to provide Biblically sound materials to the Church in the area of Bible and science relationships. This Bible study may be reproduced for group use.

    Many people associate the study of science with evolution. For this reason they think that science is unbiblical or even evil. But is this really the case?

    Evolutionists would like us to believe that evolution is really science.  They would like us to think that when real science looks at things, evolution is inescapable.  But that is not really the case, as we shall see.  Belief in evolution is every bit as much religion as belief in Christ.

    Let’s begin by looking at Genesis 1:28.  We want to focus on the words which God speaks telling man to subdue the earth and rule over the creatures of the earth. What does the word “subdue” mean?  It means to bring something under control for specific purposes. What are some examples of man’s subduing the Earth?  In order to do this man had to learn about the created things, see how they worked by seeing how they were designed, and then decide what uses might be made of these things.  This is nothing more than a definition of science.

    Matthew 28:19-20 has been called Christ’s Great Commission to His Church.  Is it reasonable to call Genesis 1:28 God’s Science Commission to mankind?

    When God created, He also designed.  What fields of knowledge would be necessary in order to design a bird? A fish? A star?  Designing anything requires knowledge of measurements, stresses, and chemical and mechanical workings.  God had to have all this knowledge, and He had to use it to create.  Why would God have knowledge of such things?

    Look at Job 38:4-6.  Here God talks about the measurements He set for the earth.  What kinds of knowledge would God need in order to do this? (Hint: geology for one. You name others.) Of course God did not name these sciences.  But when we study the earth and what God actually designed and created, we call these the sciences of geology, mathematics, geography, chemistry, mineralogy, and many other sciences, depending upon what we are studying.

    Read Job 38:16-18. Here God questions Job about Job’s knowledge, or ignorance, of God’s design and creation of the sea.  If it had been up to you to create these things, what would you have needed to know?  Put yourself in that place for a moment.  This is what God is asking Job, “If you are so smart, why couldn’t you design and make what I have made?  If you are so smart, where were you when I did this?” Can you think of other sciences besides oceanography which are hinted at in this text?

    Read Job 38:31-33.  Which fields of knowledge are covered here?  Note that God is referring not only to His design and creation of the bodies in space, but also to the power it took to actually create these immense sources of energy.

    We don’t want to forget the many biological sciences either.  Read Job 39:19-30.  Here God lists some of the really amazing design features of His living creatures.  We find the power of the horse mentioned, and his bravery in service to man.  God mentions the wonder of flight which He gave to many of his living creatures, and the amazing eyesight of the birds of prey. Even with all of our knowledge today we could not design a living creature, or even a machine, with these powers plus the versatility of these living things. We have included here not just a complete knowledge of what we call biology, on God’s part, but also optics, structural design, and the complex chemistry of scents.  Incidentally, we still don’t know exactly how the nose detects scents.  God knew that, and designed a working system to do it.

    For added study you might wish to go through God’s whole speech to Job, chapter 38 through the end of chapter 39, to see how many fields of scientific knowledge are implied in these chapters.  Can we then say that God Himself is a scientist—the greatest and ultimate of scientists?  And John chapter 1 tells us that all things were made through Jesus Christ.  From what we have just looked at in this study, we can see new dimensions to the statement that our Savior does indeed know all things!

    Now take a look at Matthew 9:5.  How do Jesus’ knowledge, power, and grace all come to bear to solve this one problem?  If we are going to follow Him as Lord, and be His brothers and sisters by grace, does that mean that we can ignore the knowledge of what God designed and created?  How does this relate to Genesis 1:28?

    Based on what you have learned in this study, is science automatically anti-God? Evolution is simply the pagan attempt to explain what God has so wonderfully and fearfully made. We who know Scripture should not let pagan interpretations decide what is science and what is not science.  After all, it was God, the ultimate scientist, who first gave us the Science Commission in Genesis 1:28.

    God is the ultimate scientist. He can design and then create anything that He wants to and it will work. It will even be perfect. As advanced as we like to think that our science is, we are still only learning the basics of what He knew to make the simplest parts of creation. Therefore, because God is a scientist (and much more), and He also wrote the creation account in Genesis by inspiration, we do indeed have an eyewitness account of the creation events, written by a scientist! Give this statement some thought. Although simplified, is this essentially correct and faithful to Scripture?

    Close this Bible study with a prayerful reading of Psalm 19.


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