Author: Ian Taylor

    1. During the past two millenia the world view of the West has been that of Catholic and Protestant Christianity while that of the East has been based upon many minority religions including Islam. In the Middle Ages referring to a person as a “humanist” meant that their interests were primarily in Greek and Roman antiquities and literature. Today, “humanism” means a doctrine centered upon human interests and usually rejects supernaturalism. The ultimate objective of the humanist is to make Man the master of his own destiny. Taking the Bible as the essential history of mankind we find that from the very beginning Man has rebelled against his Maker; at one point the Genesis Flood destroyed them all leaving only Noah and his family to begin the post-Flood generation. Within a short time, the humanist worldview again became dominant at the Tower of Babel; the account is found in Genesis 11:1-4. God divided them and the project was abandoned. The descendants of Noah were all of one color [brown], had one language, one religion and a uniform measuring system. When God separated them by language they became more diverse; thus began the different colors and the nations. God’s purpose was to protect mankind from himself, i.e. from tyranny. History shows a consistent pattern where one nation arises and a tyrant appears as its leader. It has always been the surrounding nations that have gathered against this tyranny and destroyed it; the cycle then repeats with another nation. However, when there is only one nation and one world leader, tyranny will go unchallenged and that tyrant will indeed have made a name for himself. Such is the imminent prospect before us today as the world system gravitates to a New World Order having a single government with Man in charge.

    2. Plato [427-347 BC] argued in his famous work, The Republic, that the best form of government is a Republic, i.e. a single-party system where rule is by the wisest men of the land. This is the humanist ideal. However, when rulers are God-less men, e.g. Communist countries, the Republican governments are totalitarian, repressive, and do not prosper. In contrast, when the nation is ruled by God-fearing men, such as in early America, the nation prospers.

    Augustine of Hippo [A.D. 354-430. There were two Augustines], early Christian father, combined Plato’s ideas of the soul into his interpretation of Scripture with disasterous effect; it became known as neo-platonism.

    Aristotle [384-322 BC] argued that all human knowledge comes through our five senses and this provided an early rationalism to exclude God’s revelation through Scripture as the only true source of knowledge.

    Thomas Aquinas [1225-1274] promoted the views of both Aristotle and Plato. The works of Aquinas were adopted at the Council of Trent [1545-1563] and this became the dogma of the Catholic Church.

    John Calvin [1509-1564] was taught Augustine’s interpretation, converted to the Protestant faith at 24 and by 27 had established what has since become the dogma of the North American Protestant Church via the Westminster Confession of Faith. Since the 16th century, the out-workings of Galatians 4:21-31 became the conflict between Catholic and Protestant Christianity.

    Francis Bacon [1561-1626], an English genius and Protestant humanist. He introduced the modern method of scientific investigation [Novum Organum, 1620] and laid the foundation for a New World Order through his posthoumous and unfinished book The New Atlantis [1627]. This book has a Utopian theme advocating Republican rule by 33 [actually 36 by count] secret orders of the wisest men. In 1717, almost a century after Bacon’s death, his followers implemented these ideals as the Masonic Brotherhood; the British colonial system greatly assisted in making it a worldwide organization transcending all national boundaries and sovereignty.

    René Descartes [1596-1650], a French Catholic humanist living in Holland, had a revelation in 1619 – as did Bacon at about the same time – and both gave the world a new method of searching for true knowledge; it is known as the Cartesian Method, Baconian or Scientific Method or Method of Induction. The method is one of the most subtle deceptions and replaces Scripture as the basis for scientific investigation; it is actually an impossible ideal to achieve. Many scientific discoveries in Bacon’s time such as William Harvey’s [1578-1657] circulation of the blood or, later, Isaac Newton’s [1642-1727] celestial mechanics, gave the impression that the universe and all living things on earth were purely mechanical. Descartes declared that all animals were mere “automata.” As attempts to look for the human soul failed there were uneasy feelings that man too was an automata. The Greek word for “soul” is psuche [Latin psyche] while the study of the soul thereby became “psychology.” It is now called the “Behavioural sciences.” Needless to say, today’s science completely dismiss the soul’s existence. The second event that caused science to supercede Scripture was the idea of evolution. The foundation was laid by:

    Nicolas Steno [1638-1686], a Danish Protestant working in Florence, Italy, found fossil shark’s teeth and clam shells on mountain tops and wrote [1669] that there had been sequential worldwide floods in the past while the Genesis Flood was the last one. Without saying so, this suggestion expanded the time frame of the past far beyond the few thousand years indicated by Scripture. Almost two hundred years later [1859] Charles Darwin published his Origin of Species setting out his theory of evolution; the theory is utterly dependant upon many millions of years. The evidences clearly show the strata were laid down simultaneously not sequentially thus were from a single flood negating the millions of years. An interesting sequel is that Nicholas Steno, seemingly convicted by his supposition of sequential floods, abandoned science in 1669, joined the Catholic Church and died at 46. The Vatican long ago accepted evolution and in 1988 Steno was beatified and now on his way to sainthood!

    3. The American Revolution of 1776 was an honest attempt by Protestant Christians to divorce their new country from the wars of religion in Europe and from State control of the [Anglican] Church. Many immigrants were in fact refugees and victims of these wars. At first, a Republican government was proposed where the wisest men would be Christians, however, those with democratic ideals [rule by the wishes of the people] wisely pointed out that an opposition Party was necessary to ensure sufficient checks and balances. Benjamin Franklin [1706-1790], elder Statesman gave Christian advice, nevertheless he was an international diplomat while being Master of the Nine Sisters Masonic Lodge in Paris and clearly had an alternative adgenda, also: Thomas Paine [1737-1809] Freemason and quite definitely antiChristian was brought from England to Philadelphia by Franklin to help bring about the Bacon’s New World Order with America perceived as Plato’s [New]Atlantis. The French Revolution of 1789 was far more successful from the point of view of the New World Order. France became a completely dechristianized Republic and remains largely so today. The French revolutionaries made the formal declaration of atheism by declaring that God was dead [Neitzsche also declared this in Germany a century later] and Man was in charge. The French Declaration of the Rights of Man is based upon the American document but makes no reference to God except for a cryptic eye in the triangle.

    4. One object of the French Revolution was to introduce a uniform measuring system that would facilitate trade not only within France but globally. The decimal system was already known but not used by everyone. The greatest obstacle to trade was incommensurability. For example, the most common unit of length used throughout old Europe was the foot [likely given by Noah and called variously the pied, the fuss etc] but the actual length varied not only from country to country but even from town to town. The metric system has been easily introduced under totalitarian governments but generally resisted by democracies; in this latter case, it has been introduced by deceit. John Quincy Adams unsuccessfully promoted the metric system in the US following its adoption by the French in 1795. America is the last major country to resist conversion. The metric system, based upon the metre, is by definition one ten-millionth of the distance between Earth’s pole and equator.

    Jean Delambre [1743-1822] and his team made the actual measurement. All the other units of weight, capacity etc are based upon the metre. The French revolutionaries agenda was not only to metricate units of weight and length but to decimalize time, by dividing the day into ten hours and the week into ten days. The decimalization of the circle and time has proven to be a failure. A further objective, absolutely essential for the New World Order, was to decimalize and globally standardize the units of currency. Thomas Jefferson introduced decimal coinage to the US in 1787. The move is being justified by the quest for international trade and is driven by the multinational trade organizations and the World Bank. The greatest stumbling block to this objective was in former times when the paper currency of each country had to be backed by actual gold reserves but except for a few wealthy countries others had little or no gold. This obstacle was overcome in 1931 and 1933 when the UK and the US respectively went off the gold standard.

    Franklin Delano Rooseveldt [1882-1945], 32nd president of the US, [1933-1945], introduced the familiar Great Seal of America to the reverse side of the one dollar bill in 1935. The Latin inscription reads: “In this year, [1776 in Latin numerals] began the New World Order.” Both Rooseveldt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin were senior Freemasons and principal signatories at the Yalta Conference in 1945. Today, not only are all currencies based on the decimal sytem but today multinational trade is bringing the value of all vital commodities, e.g. petroleum, to a uniform level in every country.

    5. Throughout history, say from Noah to the French Revolution, the existence of God had never seriously been questioned; atheists were few and far between. Deists believed in God but had problems with the miracles. During the 20th century and little by little, all reference to religion had been quietly expunged from public education, for example, leaving History as a dreary list of Who? When? and Where? but never Why? This is a sure step towards eliminating any notion of God. Not only that, but with the creeping influence of evolution throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, history has now been turned on its head to the point where it is commonly accepted that Man has made progress in history. Evolution demands that Man’s ancestor was the ape, not God, thus there must have been an upward progression to the intelligent creature he is today! Nevertheless, there has always been a minority who look past the technologies and note that Man has regressed.

    6. As civilization again adopts the attitude held by the builders of the tower of Babel, we may ask, will there be another tower? Yes, there have been many. One of the first was an obelisk stolen from Egypt and erected in front of St. Peter’s, Rome in 1586 to celebrate the adoption of the Greek works at the Council of Trent in 1563. Subsequently, Freemasonry adopted the obelisk as a victory marker. Initially, this was victory over the Roman Church [Charles I at the Battle of the Naseby, 1646; James II at the Battle of Boyne, 1690; etc] but later this became victory over Christianity itself [James Cook’s murder on bringing the Gospel to Hawaii, 1779]. The Washington Monument erected by Freemasonry was completed nine years late and at public expense in 1885 to celebrate the centenery of the 1776 American revolution and the beginning of the New World Order as stated on the one dollar bill. Then, at just twice this height, the Eiffel Tower completed in 1889 celebrated the centenery of the French Revolution. More recently, “Trade Towers” e.g. the Financial Centre in London [1965] and the World Trade Centre [1965-2001] in New York stand as mute symbols openly declaring the new global economic system.

    7. Scottish economist Adam Smith wrote in his Wealth of Nations [1776] that when the “invisible hand” i.e. God’s hand, was in control, market prices find their own level. The French preferred human control of the market place and referred to the British system as laissez-faire; England prospered, France did not. Following WW II, virtually all governments were technically bankrupt. John Maynard Keynes [1883-1946] British economist and architect of the International Monetary Fund, advocated replacement of laissez-faire (1926) by government i.e. human control. The policy assumes a steady birth-rate greater than 2.1 children per family (by 2006 it had dropped to 1.75) and “controlled inflation.” Here the public is led to believe that when the bank rate is raised it is done to safeguard against inflation whereas, in fact, it is to promote inflation. It is an extremely complex though deceptive policy that permits Governments to borrow money from the public and more easily repay their debts with the same currency numerically but having far lower purchasing power. It is significant that econmists today speak of deficit rather than debt where deficit is the expenditure that exceeds the budget. However, when the budget is set at an artificially high figure, say prior to a General Election, a surplus can be declared while the unmentioned government debt will continue to grow ever greater. John Maynard Keynes, homosexual and principle architect of modern economy was briefly immortalized by a room dedicated to him at the top of the North Tower of the World Trade Centre.


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