Author: Ian Taylor 1. The name Genesis that we apply to the first book of the Bible has been adopted from the Greek word GENESIS meaning “beginnings.” The Jews call this book BERESHITH which is the first Hebrew word of this book and means R...

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Author: Ian T. Taylor A note on calendar dates. The earliest times for which we have archaeological and historical evidences are those of Babylon and its empire. The Babylonians, or an earlier civilization, noted that the Sun took 360 days to complete its...

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Author: David A. Wise   “Modern” medicine has arrived four thousand years late! Was this an accident? Is it just a coincidence that the Mosaic record does not contain a single medical misconception? The earliest evidences we have of publi...

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  • The Deep Sea Specialist
    The leatherback is the most massive living reptile. The largest individual ever recorded weighed over 2,000 pounds. Unlike other sea turtles, the leatherback spends its entire life in deep water except to come ashore to lay eggs. After being hatched on shore, the leatherback heads for the sea. If leatherbacks are like other sea turtles, […]

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