Author: Ian Taylor 1. Following the Fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden, God pronounced the curse, firstly as it would affect the serpent, then Eve, then Adam. Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between you [the serpent] and the woman, and between your see...

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Author: By Curt Sewell “How can creationists expect people to accept a young earth when science has proved through radiometric dating that the earth is billions of years old?” This article addresses that question, which represents the thinking...

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Author: Ian Taylor 1. The Fall of man took place in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve had been created in perfection in a perfect world; they were physically perfect and quickly becoming full of God’s wisdom. There were three kinds of tree in the Gar...

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Author: Ian Taylor 1. The discovery of the colored peoples by the Caucasian Christian West in the 16th century caused some to doubt that the Genesis Flood had been universal since the only family on the Ark were surely Caucasion! Later, at the time of the...

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Author: Ian Taylor 1. Neither those who believe in Creation nor those who believe in Evolution deny that there has been an Ice-Age, but opinions differ sharply as to when it occurred, how it occurred and if it happened more than once. There have been many...

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Author: Ron Calais Editor’s note: Before we landed on the moon, those who believe that the Earth and moon are billions of years old feared that the moon was covered with deep dust that might swallow a spacecraft. They based this fear on measured rat...

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Author: by Mark Cadwallader Speaking of magnetic fields, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and “geoengineering” brings us to an interesting ongoing topic of creationist endeavors–describing conditions of the world before it was r...

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  Fossils are a witness not only to the creative power of God, but they are also a witness to God’s judgment on sin. The fossil record has preserved the forms of plants and animals from an earlier period of earth’s history, and has shown us that ...

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Author: Pastor Paul A. Bartz There are many good reasons to defend belief in creation. So in this Bible study we are simply going to present a summary of the most important Scriptural reasons to defend belief in creation. You are encouraged to search out ...

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  • The Snake that Fishes in the Desert
    The intelligence of the interrelationships between three unrelated desert creatures gives witness to the fact that there is a single, all-wise Creator of all things. Today we want to tell you about the sidewinder snake. While the sidewinder’s weird, whip-like method of movement across the desert sands propels him faster than you might think, he […]

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