Author: Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. To discuss this topic meaningfully, we necessarily must think in terms of a recent creation. If we are thinking in terms of five billion years of earth’s history, about one or two billion years of life’s history,...

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Author: Pastor Walter Lang   In Colossians 1:16-20 we are told that the Christ who created all things also upholds all things; that He must be God to save us from our sins; that He had to rise from the dead; that He who is above all angels and devils...

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Author: Pastor Paul A. Bartz Critics of the Biblical faith say that a faith which understands the Bible on its own terms is an assault on the thinking mind. Atheists consider the Biblical faith a rejection of human mental abilities. Religious liberals and...

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Author: Pastor Paul A. Bartz Genesis 1 gives us an overview of the creation of everything, including man. But man is of such importance in the creation (a point which evolutionists deny), that God uses most of Chapter 2 to focus in on additional details o...

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Author: Pastor Paul A. Bartz The Biblical teaching that God is the Author of life is well known to Christians. Unfortunately, we have been influenced by the world into thinking about life in the same way as those around us who have been influenced by evol...

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Author: Paul A. Bartz 1. It is a wonderous thing for us human beings to have the Word of God, that very same powerful Word which formed the stars in space out of nothing and charged them with their incredible energy, among us for our use in the form of th...

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Author: Ian Taylor The KJV. England’s King James I ordered a new translation of the entire Bible from the then existing Hebrew and Greek manuscripts into English. The English translators used The Bishop’s Bible of 1568 plus what came to be cal...

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Author: Ian Taylor The history of the rise of humanism in Europe is the record of society’s change in the way of thinking from being God-centered to human-centered. This change was a reaction against the authoritarian rule by theologians who used Sc...

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Author: Ian Taylor 1. The claim is often made that the Genesis account of creation lies in the realm of religion whereas the theory of evolution is a matter of science. It should be stressed that for any endeavor to be classified as “science”...

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  • Did Humans Evolve from Cockroaches?
    Scientists who believe in evolution will argue that similarities between different species are the result of evolution. They say that similarities between humans and apes show that we are closely related. The fact that we are so unlike sponges or microbes, says this argument, shows that we have evolved much further. The problem with this […]

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