Author: Ian Taylor 1. The discovery of the colored peoples by the Caucasian Christian West in the 16th century caused some to doubt that the Genesis Flood had been universal since the only family on the Ark were surely Caucasion! Later, at the time of the...

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Author: Pastor Paul A. Bartz There are many good reasons to defend belief in creation. So in this Bible study we are simply going to present a summary of the most important Scriptural reasons to defend belief in creation. You are encouraged to search out ...

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Author: Ian Taylor Ian Taylor1. From Genesis 4:3-5 we see that Abel was a keeper of the sheep while Cain was a tiller of the ground so it would seem quite reasonable for Cain to have brought a grain or fruit offering but this displeased the Lord. From Gen...

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Author: Ian Taylor It’s no surprise that the history taught in our schools is a rather dull subject. Virtually all events in history, particularly European history, were motivated by religious causes: Muslims massacred Christians, Catholics slaughte...

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Author: Ian Taylor 1. Throughout history there have always been those who believe that life began on earth by supernatural creation and others who prefer to stick with the naturalistic explanation that life began spontaneously by chance events from non-li...

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Author: Ian Taylor 1. Was the Genesis Flood global in extent or just local? Genesis chapters six to eight give a detailed account of a devastating flood brought about by God as a judgment upon Man. Genesis 7:18-24 leaves no doubt that this Flood was globa...

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Author: Ian Taylor 1. Introduction. Since the Creation Satan has had an agenda to replace the Creator God as the object of Man’s worship by himself. We recall that Man was made in the image of God and needs to worship his Creator. Satan’s attack has c...

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1.  The three basic questions that have faced mankind  since the beginning of time are: Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? Philosophers have attempted to provide answers based upon human wisdom but these answers vary from one p...

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Author: (This is a condensed version of an essay submitted by Alfred Anderson) In our time many people believe that the creation account is a myth and they deny what the Bible says regarding the flood of Noah. No wisdom of man or scientific knowledge can ...

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  • A Frog’s Creative Broadcasting Solution
    If you live in a large city, especially one that is surrounded by other large cities, you know that the radio dial can become very crowded. To prevent the radio dial from turning into incomprehensible gibberish, radio stations are assigned a frequency on which to operate. This orderly arrangement is also found among many animals. […]

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