Author: Ian Taylor 1. What did dinosaurs look like? The great French “father of paleontology,” Georges Cuvier (1769-1832), established the method of comparative anatomy. This method depends upon knowing the relationship between living creatur...

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Author: (This is a condensed version of an essay submitted by Alfred Anderson) In our time many people believe that the creation account is a myth and they deny what the Bible says regarding the flood of Noah. No wisdom of man or scientific knowledge can ...

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Author: Ian Taylor Many people hold to the notion that man-like beings existed long before Adam and may even have been his contemporary. The idea is usually hazy and half-formed, while comfort is drawn from the fact that many of the spiritual giants of Ch...

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  • Did Humans Evolve from Cockroaches?
    Scientists who believe in evolution will argue that similarities between different species are the result of evolution. They say that similarities between humans and apes show that we are closely related. The fact that we are so unlike sponges or microbes, says this argument, shows that we have evolved much further. The problem with this […]

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