Author: By Ian Taylor The belief that the earth is billions of years old is an essential foundation for the theory of evolution. This belief was introduced to the Christian world by two events: the first was the exploration of the Americas by the European...

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Author: Ian Taylor Introduction. The study of early man is known as paleoanthropology and, although scientific techniques are used, this discipline deals with non-repeatable and non-observable events of the past and by definition cannot be considered as a...

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Author: Ian Taylor When claims are made that certain animals known only by their fossils are “extinct,” all that is really meant is that no living specimens have been found. For example, the oceans are the least explored area of this planet an...

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Author: By A.W. Mehlert Since the rise of modern scientific creationism, which received its greatest impetus with the publication in 1961 of The Genesis Flood by Whitcomb and Morris, the creationist position has been greatly vindicated in that much of the...

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Author: Ian Taylor The Babylonian Calendar. The earliest times for which we have archaeological and historical evidences are those of the Babylonian empire. The Babylonians, or an earlier civilization, celebrated the year as 360 days, that is, the time ta...

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Author: Ian Taylor The Source of C-14 The earth’s atmosphere is bombarded with cosmic rays thought to originate from our sun. The earth’s magnetic field serves to protect us from most of these cosmic rays. When the nucleus of a nitrogen atom (...

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Author: Ian Taylor 1. Neither those who believe in Creation nor those who believe in Evolution deny that there has been an Ice-Age, but opinions differ sharply as to when it occurred, how it occurred and if it happened more than once. There have been many...

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Author: Ron Calais Editor’s note: Before we landed on the moon, those who believe that the Earth and moon are billions of years old feared that the moon was covered with deep dust that might swallow a spacecraft. They based this fear on measured rat...

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  • The Snake that Fishes in the Desert
    The intelligence of the interrelationships between three unrelated desert creatures gives witness to the fact that there is a single, all-wise Creator of all things. Today we want to tell you about the sidewinder snake. While the sidewinder’s weird, whip-like method of movement across the desert sands propels him faster than you might think, he […]

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