Author: Ian Taylor The Source of C-14 The earth’s atmosphere is bombarded with cosmic rays thought to originate from our sun. The earth’s magnetic field serves to protect us from most of these cosmic rays. When the nucleus of a nitrogen atom (...

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Author: Ian Taylor 1. Until the beginning of the eighteenth century, the western mind considered the earth to be only a few thousand years old, and this belief was based upon the Biblical account and the ensuing genealogies given into historical times. To...

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Author: Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. To discuss this topic meaningfully, we necessarily must think in terms of a recent creation. If we are thinking in terms of five billion years of earth’s history, about one or two billion years of life’s history,...

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  • Plants Focus Light
    In many ways, a plant is like a machine that changes the energy of sunlight into food energy that is needed by the rest of the living world. The energy which runs the plant is light. Now, if you were going to design a better, more efficient plant, how might you do it? Obviously, one […]

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