Author: Ian Taylor 1. Public school textbooks on Biology, Earth sciences, and Human society generally well-present the facts; it is the interpretation of those facts that is currently under fire and of concern. Without exception, the interpretation is fro...
Continue ReadingA century ago the world traveler was struck with the fact that the hand of Western culture was evident from the Bedouin tents of Arabia to the aboriginal huts of Tasmania. At that time, the obvious outward and visible sign was the Singer sewing machine; t...
Continue ReadingAuthor: Nancy Pearcey Dewey-naturalizing education John Dewey was more influential than his predecessors because, as a philosopher, he sought to construct not just an educational theory but an entire world view. That world view was based on Darwinism. In ...
Continue ReadingAuthor: Nancy Pearcey William Coulson developed, with Carl Rogers, some of the earliest forms of humanistic education in the United States. As he tells BSN readers, it turned out to be a system that makes students unteachable! Intellectual conversions are...
Continue ReadingAuthor: Ian Taylor 1. Today’s public school textbooks on Biology, Earth sciences, and Human society generally well-present the facts; it is the interpretation of those facts that is currently under fire and is being openly questioned. Without excep...
Continue ReadingAuthor: Robin D. Fish Note: Creation Moments exists to provide Biblically sound materials to the Church in the area of Bible and science relationships. This Bible study may be reproduced for group use. 1. Many laymen, and most Bible-based pastors, are tro...
Continue ReadingAuthor: Robin Fish Note: Creation Moments exists to provide Biblically sound materials to the Church in the area of Bible and science relationships. This Bible study may be reproduced for group use. The emphasis in modern education has shifted to values, ...
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