Author: Ian Taylor 1. Public school textbooks on Biology, Earth sciences, and Human society generally well-present the facts; it is the interpretation of those facts that is currently under fire and of concern. Without exception, the interpretation is fro...

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A century ago the world traveler was struck with the fact that the hand of Western culture was evident from the Bedouin tents of Arabia to the aboriginal huts of Tasmania. At that time, the obvious outward and visible sign was the Singer sewing machine; t...

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Author: Nancy Pearcey Do kids today need their parents? Since much of their socialization takes place in school and scouts and soccer league, we sometimes get the impression children really don’t need their parents much any more. A new ideology is s...

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  • Plants Focus Light
    In many ways, a plant is like a machine that changes the energy of sunlight into food energy that is needed by the rest of the living world. The energy which runs the plant is light. Now, if you were going to design a better, more efficient plant, how might you do it? Obviously, one […]

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