Author: Mark Cadwallader You can tell the film is being run backward because such behavior is never observed in real life. We do not see exploded and broken pieces produce cars as they fly up a cliff because it is forbidden by the Second Law of Thermodyn...

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Author: Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. To discuss this topic meaningfully, we necessarily must think in terms of a recent creation. If we are thinking in terms of five billion years of earth’s history, about one or two billion years of life’s history,...

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  • Deception of the Bola
    The bola spider is said to have evolved its amazing abilities all by itself. Why, then, is it smarter and why does it have more abilities than mankind? The bola spider’s favorite food is moths, but it doesn’t weave a web. The bola spider produces the same scent produced by a female moth. Male moths […]

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