Author: Ian Taylor 1. The discovery of the colored peoples by the Caucasian Christian West in the 16th century caused some to doubt that the Genesis Flood had been universal since the only family on the Ark were surely Caucasion! Later, at the time of the...

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Author: Richard Niessen, Bernard Northrup and David Watson Is the Gap Theory a Biblical Option? by Richard Niessen The Gap Theory Scenario Briefly, the scenario in the Gap Theory goes something like this: Genesis 1:1 records the special creation of the or...

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  • The Deep Sea Specialist
    The leatherback is the most massive living reptile. The largest individual ever recorded weighed over 2,000 pounds. Unlike other sea turtles, the leatherback spends its entire life in deep water except to come ashore to lay eggs. After being hatched on shore, the leatherback heads for the sea. If leatherbacks are like other sea turtles, […]

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