Author: Ian Taylor Just how does the modern geologist tell the age of a rock by simply looking at it? For that matter, where do all those millions of years come from and how can they be reconciled with Genesis? Until the 17th century most people of Europe...

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Author: Pastor Paul A. Bartz Critics of the Biblical faith say that a faith which understands the Bible on its own terms is an assault on the thinking mind. Atheists consider the Biblical faith a rejection of human mental abilities. Religious liberals and...

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  • Deception of the Bola
    The bola spider is said to have evolved its amazing abilities all by itself. Why, then, is it smarter and why does it have more abilities than mankind? The bola spider’s favorite food is moths, but it doesn’t weave a web. The bola spider produces the same scent produced by a female moth. Male moths […]

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