Author: By Paul A. Bartz Why do we need physicians and medicine? If God created the world and everything in it perfect, where did disease, sickness and death come from? How can disease and death be part of God’s plan for the creation? God did not fa...

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Author: By Donald S. Clark For years scientists have thought that aging was under the control of a “biological clock”-a cellular function regulating growth and programming cell death. Normal cells divide only a certain number of times before t...

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Author: David A. Wise   “Modern” medicine has arrived four thousand years late! Was this an accident? Is it just a coincidence that the Mosaic record does not contain a single medical misconception? The earliest evidences we have of publi...

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  • The Snake that Fishes in the Desert
    The intelligence of the interrelationships between three unrelated desert creatures gives witness to the fact that there is a single, all-wise Creator of all things. Today we want to tell you about the sidewinder snake. While the sidewinder’s weird, whip-like method of movement across the desert sands propels him faster than you might think, he […]

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