Author: Paul A. Bartz Note: Creation Moments exists to provide Biblically sound materials to the Church in the area of Bible and science relationships. This Bible study may be reproduced for group use. Many people associate the study of science with evolu...

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Author: Robin D. Fish Note: Creation Moments exists to provide Biblically sound materials to the Church in the area of Bible and science relationships. This Bible study may be reproduced for group use. We have discovered that life rides on information. Ev...

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Author: Paul A. Bartz Note: Creation Moments exists to provide Biblically sound materials to the Church in the area of Bible and science relationships. This Bible study may be reproduced for group use. Evolutionists are certain that things evolved. To the...

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Author: Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. To discuss this topic meaningfully, we necessarily must think in terms of a recent creation. If we are thinking in terms of five billion years of earth’s history, about one or two billion years of life’s history,...

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  • Did Humans Evolve from Cockroaches?
    Scientists who believe in evolution will argue that similarities between different species are the result of evolution. They say that similarities between humans and apes show that we are closely related. The fact that we are so unlike sponges or microbes, says this argument, shows that we have evolved much further. The problem with this […]

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