Author: Ian Taylor Introduction. The study of early man is known as paleoanthropology and, although scientific techniques are used, this discipline deals with non-repeatable and non-observable events of the past and by definition cannot be considered as a...

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Author: Ian Taylor The Source of C-14 The earth’s atmosphere is bombarded with cosmic rays thought to originate from our sun. The earth’s magnetic field serves to protect us from most of these cosmic rays. When the nucleus of a nitrogen atom (...

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The current belief is that the age of the earth is 4.6 billion years; this figure is an essential foundation for the theory of evolution. Of course, if the age of the earth really is in billions of years, the age of the universe can be no less and reasona...

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Author: Ian Taylor 1. Throughout history there have always been those who believe that life began on earth by supernatural creation and others who prefer to stick with the naturalistic explanation that life began spontaneously by chance events from non-li...

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Author: Ian Taylor 1. Human pride is the usual cause of racial prejudice and every ethnic group has been guilty of believing themselves to be somehow superior to all others: Christians of the past have been no exception. Modern genetics has well establis...

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Author: Wayne Frair The modern Intelligent Design (ID) movement generally is held to have had its beginning in the early 1980’s. The Mystery of Life’s Origin by Thaxton, Bradley and Olson was published in 1984 as well as Denton’s Evolution: A Theory...

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Author: Ian Taylor 1. Genesis 6:9 states that Noah was “perfect in his generations.” It has been suggested this means that Noah and his family [the ninth generation after Adam] were the few left on Earth who were genetically uncontaminated by ...

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Author: Ian Taylor 1. The key to understanding species is to acknowledge intelligent design in all living things and the presence of information in genetics. This information can be lost, may be replaced from a variant within the kind but can never be cre...

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Author: Ian Taylor Many people hold to the notion that man-like beings existed long before Adam and may even have been his contemporary. The idea is usually hazy and half-formed, while comfort is drawn from the fact that many of the spiritual giants of Ch...

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  • Caterpillars’ Diet Choices
    The diamondback caterpillar is the number-one pest of plants in the cabbage family. But scientists are finding that this caterpillar isn’t as guilty of causing low yields in cabbage family plots as has been thought. It turns out that, given a choice between a cabbage field which is doing very well and a field next […]

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