Background. An important principle of family responsibilities is given in Genesis 9:18-27. If the son of a family commits a public sin (e.g., breaking a window), the father is held responsible. Knowing this and following Ham’s mockery, Noah placed the b...

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Remember when Bible-denying cartoonists mocked evangelists carrying “The End Is Near” signs? Today, the people holding those signs are not Christians but are climate-change alarmists … and anyone who dares laugh at them will be persecuted fo...

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As Darwin’s theory came into acceptance, “experts” began treating human beings as glorified animals without moral accountability. Sexually deviant behavior became simply the outworking of our evolutionary adaptation and programming, without ethical ...

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From inside the giant wooden horse, a group of warriors was able to climb out when it was dark so they could quietly open the city gates from the inside. And so the mighty city of Troy fell – from the inside. The “Trojan horse” was a grand deception...

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  • A Matter of Life or Death
    According to the Bible, God created the heavens and the earth in a perfect condition – without disease or death. However, when man did his own will instead of God’s will, death became a reality, just as God had warned. On the other hand, evolution says that death has nothing to do with man’s disobedience […]

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