Creation Moments Is Broadcasting God’s Good News to Over 1 Billion Mandarin Chinese Speakers in Asia!
Under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) many Mandarin speakers are only able to read or hear a very restricted message from the Bible – if any at all! The Church has been persecuted for many years there. Pastors have been arrested, church buildings bulldozed, and the Bible re-translated to conform to “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”. For the mandarine-speaking believers and evangelists forced to walk out their faith in secret, there’s a continual need for the life-giving truth of our Creator and liberator. For Christ came “to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives… to set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18 / Isaiah 61:1–2).
We are eternally grateful for your ongoing donations to the costs of this outreach! Only together can we continue in the great work of Jesus Christ.
To make a donation to our continuing radio outreach, CLICK HERE.
To listen to our broadcasts in Mandarin Chinese, CLICK HERE (听普通话).