As the world anxiously kept its eye on current events, the American President gave a State of the Union speech about freedom. He enumerated four of what he thought to be basic freedoms which should be available to all people everywhere – freedom of speech and expression, freedom of worship, freedom from fear and freedom from want. The year was 1941, and President Roosevelt was laying the groundwork for another possible American defense of freedom.

Of course, by the end of that year, the attack on Pearl Harbor had occurred and America found itself immersed in World War II – fighting to preserve freedom in the face of worldwide hegemony by the Axis Powers. Freedom is indeed a precious commodity and one worth fighting for. But from where does freedom really come?

Well, the Bible has this to say. Jesus said, “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32). Think about it … essentially, freedom comes from believing and applying biblical truth!

Indeed, in his message, President Roosevelt was drawing upon the legacy of freedom growing out of a Judeo-Christian culture based on biblical law and the gospel of Jesus Christ. American society and government, like no other before it, had enabled a free society with a just legal system as well as checks and balances against the abuse of power – and Roosevelt was reminding people of how such freedom comes with responsibility.

Other countries have taken note of the biblical basis for freedom. In the center of the Coat of Arms in the middle of the flag of the Dominican Republic is a Bible with a golden cross above it. The colors of the flag are red, white and blue – representing blood, salvation and liberty, respectively. This is because, as history tells us, Juan Pablo Duarte – a founding father of that country who designed its flag – was inspired in his design by the John 8:31-32 scripture above, which, in principle, says to continue in God’s word so that you can know the truth so that you can be free!

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: The Dominican Republic’s Coat of Arms. 1016

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