Creation Moments, Inc. is a non-denominational ministry, which believes that:
- God has spoken in Scripture and has acted in creation and human history. We believe that the autographs of the 66 canonical books of the Bible are objectively inspired, infallible and the inerrant Word of God in all of their parts and in all matters of which they speak (history, theology, science, etc.).
- The message of the Bible is communicated in the most basic meaning of the text as understood in its historical and grammatical context.
- God has acted to create the cosmos ex nihilo in six 24-hour periods in the recent past.
- A divine design and purpose exists in nature, and this purpose is to point to and glorify the Creator.
- A universal Noachian flood occurred, which destroyed all life on earth except those saved in the Ark (Noah, his family, and the animals).
- While man was created sinless, he volitionally sinned. In that Adam, the first man, was acting as the federal head of the human race, everyone since Adam has been born sinful and in need of a Savior.
- Jesus Christ was fully man and fully God. His substitutionary atonement in His death provides the only means of salvation to a sinful race.
- Scientific research, like every other human activity, should not only seek to ‘think God’s thoughts after Him,’ but serve to glorify the creating Word of God by being applied to life and society in such a manner that these are conformed to God’s design for them.