Creation Moments Is Reaching More Than 75 Million People in North and South Korea and the Vicinity of East Asia!
The Lord put it on the hearts of South Korean Christians in 2008 to translate many of our Creation Moments broadcasts into the Korean language, making them available on the internet. Then, a door opened for Creation Moments to begin broadcasting directly into both North and South Korea, as well as surrounding Asian countries with short-wave radio in the Korean language!
While South Korea is considered a strong majority Christian country, North Korea is an atheist communist dictatorship and arguably the most totalitarian and oppressive regime in the world. People are sent away to prison camps and executed for simply owning a Bible! Even their relatives can be arrested for no other reason than being related to the Bible “offender”.
Our broadcasts come as truly a “light in the darkness” with such oppression – where curious non-believers and believers have to listen in secret! We are humbly grateful for your donations to the ongoing costs of this missionary outreach. “Faith comes by hearing” (Romans 10:17), and what better way to spread the Gospel of our Creator than through the free and accessible airwaves of Korea!
To make a donation to our continuing radio outreach, CLICK HERE.
To listen to our broadcasts in Korean, CLICK HERE (한국어로 들어봐).
To view and share our gospel tracts in Korean, CLICK HERE (창조 복음 전도지).