Think you know what “science” is? Think again! Evolution’s die-hard supporters have been working around-the-clock to redefine the definition of “science” to fit its materialist worldview. Science is blatantly required to pre-suppose atheism. Any...

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There are numerous cases of lies told so often that people believe them no matter how much they stretch credulity. One such lie – of dinosaur-sized proportions – can be found at Clayton Lake State Park in northeast New Mexico. It is one of a number of...

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In the days of the prophet Daniel, King Darius issued a decree, and if anyone disobeyed, he would be thrown into a den of lions. Daniel, who had earned the favored position as highest official, was caught in the trap set by the many jealous officials arou...

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In the war between creation science and Darwinism … in the clash between Christianity and atheism … I bring you news from the front – news that is often disturbing. Yes, folks, we’re in a spiritual battle – a war between conflicting worldvie...

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Let me tell you about a young man named Yuri. Abandoned by his parents, the teenager lived at the garbage dump gathering a few meager belongings and finding warmth in the decaying trash and the simmering landfill fires. He was bitter and depressed and fou...

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  • Flipperpithicus
    Creation Scientists have often complained that evolutionists seem unscientifically eager to turn any ancient fossil into proof of human evolution. In the past, bones from pigs, monkeys, alligators, horses and even an elephant have been “reconstructed” into missing links between humans and ape-like creatures. While these examples are all old, evolutionists continue to be over-enthusiastic […]

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