Atheist and pantheist philosophers called upon the preacher to present his “strange” positions. And they brought him before their symposium of like-minded thinkers. This preacher, realizing who his audience was, began by proclaiming the truth of creat...

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As the world anxiously kept its eye on current events, the American President gave a State of the Union speech about freedom. He enumerated four of what he thought to be basic freedoms which should be available to all people everywhere – freedom of spee...

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One of the big problems in a secular humanistic culture dominated by materialism and evolutionism is that not only does it seek to lie about biblical and creation truth, and to ridicule those who believe, but it supports a constant barrage of propaganda a...

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The truth of God and His Word is obscured by many things and ultimately by the lies of Satan. Here at Creation Moments we focus on the lie of evolution which denies the truth of His word. And in this grand lie we see all kinds of false narratives, just-so...

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  • Your 20-Watt Brain
    Picture in your mind the sight and sounds of popcorn popping. As you picture the popping becoming more frantic as the popper fills up, do you begin to smell the popcorn? That’s part of the wonder of the brain. The brain can not only store words and ideas, but sights, sounds and even smells. The […]

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