Viewpoint of Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

    Exciting news! The Lord has opened a door for Creation Moments to reach millions of people in North Korea with the gospel and the truth of biblical creation. After spending much time in prayer, we have taken the first steps through that door, and we have high expectations of a bountiful harvest!

    Reaching more than 75 million people in North and South Korea

    I am beyond excited to tell you about our new outreach to Korea! Through our partnership with Trans World Radio, we will be able to:

    • Proclaim the gospel of Christ to millions throughout Korea.
    • Teach creation truth to those who are being indoctrinated with godless evolution.

    Our partnership with TWR ( means that millions of people throughout Korea – as well as Korean-speaking people in Russia, China and Japan – will hear the same messages we broadcast every weekday in other parts of the world. We have already started producing the audio tracks in Korean and will begin airing biblical creation programs in the very near future.

    By broadcasting over TWR’s Guam transmitter, we will impact families and individuals listening to their radios in secret, encourage prisoners living in work camps, build up students, and speak life and hope to those living without hope for so many years!

    “The radio is our only tool to hear about the Bible and other news from the outside world.”

    – A North Korean listener

    Creation Moments’ “Hope for Korea” project is a special opportunity for you to serve God

    Our new “Hope for Korea” project brings the gospel and sound biblical teaching to a nation where people can be executed for owning a Bible. Now, for the first time, Creation Moments will be heard by people in desperate need of biblical truth. We’ve got the message and TWR has the broadcasting power to deliver a strong, clear signal to more than 75 million people!

    As with any outreach of this scope, our “Hope for Korea” project requires funding that surpasses our general operating expenses. We have taken the first step of faith by beginning the process of producing our broadcasts into the Korean language. But we are asking you to fund this outreach for the first year of what we hope to be a continuing outreach to Korea.

    “Hope for Korea” – how you can help

    We are starting out with three months of Korean broadcasts, but, as mentioned above, we want to provide a full year of broadcasting. Not only is this the most cost-effective way to reach the people of Korea. It is also the most effective way. A year-long commitment to Korea would give Koreans the opportunity to tell others about our broadcast, perhaps doubling or tripling the number of Koreans who hear it!

    We have been blessed beyond measure here in America, Canada and other nations that enjoy religious freedom. But the people of North Korea are an oppressed people who desperately need the gospel of Christ … and you can help meet that need right now! So I’m asking you to seek God’s will regarding what you can do to bring hope to the people of Korea.

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